Lightbulbs, Microphones and a Tattoo Machine!

Lightbulbs, Microphones and a Tattoo Machine!

Thomas Edison is known for his lifelong achievements, but he did not get there overnight. Determination and commitment paved his way to success, and they can for you, too.

Determination is the real story behind Thomas Edison. He didn’t just invent the lightbulb in a day. He tweaked a tiny little filament over 10,000 times, leading the inventor to famously quip, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” He kept going, consistently putting in the long hours required to reach his goal of a commercially viable light source. The result of his determination, the lightbulb, was one of the most important inventions in history. There were two powerful principles that drove Edison into the history books and they will also drive us to historic levels of success.

The difference between the Edisons of the world and others is rarely intellect, charisma and ability. It comes down to their commitment to success.

1. Determined Individuals Always Work Until They Find a Way.
Less-determined individuals will always find an excuse. Moving from an excuse level to an execution level is the challenge of every individual working toward success. Success cannot survive in an excuse environment. Those who enjoy a high level of success are determined to eliminate excuses whenever they arise. However, excuses are only a symptom of the root problem: lack of commitment.

As Kenneth H. Blanchard once said,

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

The hard reality is that when we are working to achieve a goal whether it is to improve our skills, our income or our physical or financial health, the issue is our level of commitment.

Each month, I work with dealership personnel to raise their production and skill levels. Often, I encounter excuses that reveal legitimate obstacles to their progress. Those obstacles hindered others and they can’t see a way through to success. The common denominator is always the obstacle. When an extraordinary level of commitment and determination is present, that individual can do what others could not. The proverbial light comes on and they find a path through the obstacles and to great levels of success.

The difference between the Edisons of the world and others is rarely intellect, charisma and ability. It comes down to how committed they are to succeed.

2. Success Achieved in One Area Drives You to Pursue It in Others.
Edison lived for another 52 years after the first successful lightbulb. He kept working, filing over 1,000 patents in his lifetime and contributing to numerous inventions he’s not as well-known for, like the microphone and an early version of the tattoo machine. Success and excuse-filled living are both addictive! If we can break out of the addiction of excuses we will find ourselves experiencing one success after another. This also reminds us, as leaders, of how powerful guiding others to kick the excuse addiction can be. It unleashes a surge of creativity and focused effort that leads to levels of success thought to be impossible before.

One of the reasons success leads to even more success, is we become more confident in our abilities and are willing to attempt greater things. Edison felt invincible after his success with the lightbulb and was confident he could do more. It’s a natural progression of champions in any area of life. We often see amazing things accomplished and assume it comes because of great talent. While a factor, it is always a part of a larger process that began with eliminating excuses. My birthday is October 21, the same month and day as the day in 1879 that Edison finally succeeded in inventing a working lightbulb. It reminds me each year I have numerous areas that deserve more commitment and fewer excuses. How about you and your team? I will forever be indebted to Edison for the lightbulb and the microphone. I’m not too sure about the tattoo machine.

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This blog article was also published on Agent Entrepreneur.